Monday, April 04, 2005

Native prayer

I met my Apache friend Billy Two Dog on a forum some time ago. When the Red Lake tragedy happened near

here I looked up my email list to see if I couldn't reach him since that Forum is no longer active. I did and I

am so grateful to have not lost contact. I told my kids I had heard from him and they said "Apache Mom- for

real?" Yeah kids- for real! "He's your friend?!" They said. Surely yes, I'd say- and my brother. Good heart.

Please see his comments on the Red Lake tragedy thread. Soon I will tell you some of the wonderful wisdom

he shared with me following a trip to Rapid City a while back. But today I will share a beautiful prayer he sent

today with his permission. And I say Welcome Back friend- I've missed you.

Song For The People

Grandfather, Great Spirit

I give you thanks

That we can sit here

In this circle of Life,

We send Prayers And the very best thoughts
Grandmother Great Spirit

As we raise this sacred pipe

To give thanks to you

And to all of your Creation,

We give thanks

To the spirit helpers

Who came and sat among us.

Grandfather, Most sacred one, These are your prayers

That we send to you

As we sit here together and pray

Grandmother your children are crying.

Grandfather your children are dying.

The hands of greed And the hands of lust for power

Have been laid on them

And all around is death and desolation

The gifts you made, for all your children

Stolen,And laid to waste

In a monstrous desecration.

Grandmother Great Spirit, As we sit and pray together

We send you this prayer of affirmation-We your children

whom you created in your likeness and image-We will reach out,

And we will dry our tearsAnd heal the hurts of each other.

Our sisters and brothers are hurting bad,And our children, they see no future.

We know Grandfather, that you gave us a sacred power,

But it seems like we don't know its purpose

So now we've learned as we sat together,The name of that power is love,

Invincible, irresistible, overwhelming power,

This power you gave us we are going to use,

We'll dry the tears of those who cry

And heal the hurts of them that are hurting.

Yes Grandmother,We'll give you our hands

And in our hearts and minds and bodies

We dedicate our lives to affirmation.

We will not wait nor hesitate,As we walk on this sacred earth

We will learn together to celebrate

The ways of peace, and harmony, and tranquillity,

That come,

And in the world around us.

Thank you Grandfather for this prayer.


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