Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hold the resonance of Peace

Dear Beloveds,
We are needed as conscious Spiritual Peacemakers to hold the resonance of Peace,
Love and Divine Truth as our Earth and her people go through this time of
tremendous change. In light of recent events that have occurred in the
Southeastern portion of the United States, people are asking what can we do to
help? Prayer is a very valuable tool that comes from the heart.

"Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied,
it is the most potent instrument of action" - Mahatma Gandhi

We request that you send your prayers and intentions for comfort, love and
healing to this region. We hold Divine space for all those people who have been
so deeply affected by the destruction and flooding. We suggest that you envision
this area bathed in Light; calling forth simple solutions being found to assist
in the aid and healing for all people involved.

We ask that you pray for all those who have passed and for those in need of food
and housing, may they find resources and comfort during this difficult time of
transition. We pray for the rescue and clean-up crews, that they may have
strength, compassion and resilience to handle their monumental tasks.

Our financial assistance is also needed now. There are many organizations trying
to provide assistance to the areas affected by the hurricane and they need our
financial support. Below are links to several of these organizations. (link to list of
agencies providing help)

We also ask that you send peace and healing to Mother Earth; holding the
intention that as our world shifts that it does so in the easiest and most
harmonious way.

We must hold positive thoughts for the future. While we may not understand all
that is happening right now, we do believe that all is in Divine order. Focusing
on the negative only brings in more negativity whereas your "being peace" brings
in more peace.

In our continuing effort to hold the peace vibration on the planet, we are
encouraging everyone to endorse the peace declaration. This "Steps for Peace"
declaration will be presented to world leaders as an outward sign of our global
desire for peace. (You can go to for more information).

Thank you for all that you do as spiritual peacemakers in our world, especially
during these times of tremendous transition.

In Peace
James Twyman
The Beloved Community

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