Friday, April 11, 2008

Plant your seeds of Spring

Great video message from my dear mentor Rev. Janice Gorman of the Hope Interfaith Center in Mankato, MN. serving not just Southwestern Minnesota including services in Minneapolis but now indeed the world with the help of webcam videos. We have had terrific Spring weather here and the Tulip greens have sprung only to be hit again and again by winter as well. With 2 inches of snow today! Making us ever more anxious for Spring to be here to stay. But is this time in the cusp of spring that is so sacred. Just before the buds burst off the trees. Just before the flowers suddenly appear. The energy of these living plants will carry forth in your fields as you to plant new seeds for this 1 year. (2008=10=1) Enjoy the beautifuly Hindu prayer that celebrates this time of year and the lesson on planting your seeds to burst forth:

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