Sunday, December 26, 2010

See the Light all around you!

I see I am a few minutes late to wish you a Merry Christmas officially but I do hope you had a heart filled day!

I stumbled upon a terrific book on this holiest of days called Revelation of the Magi,by Brent Landau, it is a lengthy narrative that claims to be the personal testimony of the Magi themselves, the Three Kings, on the events of Christ's coming. Though versions of this legend were well known in Christian Europe throughout the Middle Ages, this book presents the first-ever complete English translation of the Revelation of the Magi.

Also illuminating was its identification of the Star of Bethlehem with Christ himself, an interpretation found nowhere else but that immediately resonated and made complete sense.

From the Introduction to Revelation of the Magi

The Magi -- usually known as the "Three Wise Men" or "Three Kings" -- are easily the most famous of the visitors who appear at Jesus's birth in the Gospel accounts of the Christmas story. Despite their great fame, however, there is only one short passage in the New Testament that tells of the Magi, and this account is remarkably vague about these figures, in Matthew chapter 2, verses 1 through 12.

Amid a wide range of early Christian speculation on the Magi -- apocryphal Gospels, hymns, sermons, mosaics, wood carvings, and sculptures on sarcophagi -- one composition is particularly impressive and yet surprisingly unknown. Called the Revelation of the Magi, it is a lengthy narrative that claims to be the personal testimony of the Magi themselves on the events of Christ's coming. Though versions of this legend were well known in Christian Europe throughout the Middle Ages, this book presents the first-ever complete English translation of the Revelation of the Magi.

11. The Appearance of the Star to the Magi

And we saw [text missing] in the form of an ineffable pillar of light descending, and it came to rest above the water. And we were afraid and shook when we saw it. And we cannot speak about the brilliance of the star of light, since its radiance was many times greater than the sun, and the sun could not stand out before the light of its rays. And just like the moon looks in the daytime in the days of Nisan, when the sun rises and it is absorbed in its light, so also did the sun seem to us when the star rose over us. And the light of the star, which surpassed the sun, appeared to us ourselves and the sons of our mysteries, but it did not appear to anyone else, because they were removed from its mysteries and its coming. And we rejoiced, and glorified, and gave unmeasured thanks to the Father of heavenly majesty that it appeared in our days and we were thought worthy to see it.

16. The Miraculous Journey

And the star, our guide, our good messenger, our perfect light, our glorious leader, again appeared for us, going before us and upholding our whole caravan from all sides, and enlightening us by its hidden light. And we had no need of the light of the sun or of the moon, because their light became diminished in its sight, and by night and by day we walked in its light, exulting and rejoicing without distress or weariness. And it prepared before us a blessed dwelling place in which to reside while we rested and exulted. Even our provisions were abundant in our eyes and did not decrease, but rather from one day to another they increased when it came to rest over us with its light. And it gave rest to us from all our fatigue as if we were not journeying on the road, and it made mountains, and hills, and rugged places level before us. Even the rivers before us we crossed by foot without fear, because of the light of our good guide that went along with us for our encampment. And again, when we crossed into the places [of beasts and vicious snakes,] we trampled them with our feet. And our leader and our guide, in his glory, appeared to each one of us in all forms and appearances in every (stage). And he filled our hearts with great joy, and all the (stages) in which we journeyed were short and swift in our eyes, because our victorious sign and our powerful light, which is beyond every human mouth to speak, guided us with its victorious strength.

This light guides us all. Not just on this magical night of wonder and birth- or now for us REBIRTH, but each and every day of our lives. The light is all around us, turning mountains into plains, turning dark skies into sun, rain showers into rainbows. Our job is to see it all around us. And to Believe. And Behold the Power of this Source, maker of heavens and earth, and all that is seen and unseen. Whether it was this exact day or not is irrevelent, on this day we celebrate, God became one of us, perhaps to understand the common aches and pains of humanity, "pitching his tent" among us, as John's Gospel says.

Remember the Light that is with and all around us always. We just have to feel and shine that light outward and see it in all those around us, the two legged and the four legged, the winged and Mother Earth who provides us our Home.

Better yet, just Be the Light,always!

Blessings to you this magical Season!

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